206 research outputs found

    Dialog Pemikiran Tentang Islam Dan Negara Di Indonesia Masa Awal Kemerdekaan

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    Perdebatan tentang dasar negara pada masa kemerdekaan Indonesia melahirkan dua aliran politik, yaitu Islam dan aliran pemisahan antara negara dan agama, yang memiliki dasar pemikiran berbeda. Kelompok Islam berdalih bahwa dari seluruh ayat al-Qur'an, hanya sekitar 600 ratus ayat yang berisi tentang kehidupan akherat. Ini membuktikan bahwa Islam memperhatikan kehidupan dunia, maka Islam mestinya menjadi dasar bagi berdirinya Indonesia. Sementara itu kaum nasionalis berpendapat bahwa Indonesia memiliki keistimewaan khas, maka gagasan negara Islam harus ditolak. Isu tentang dasar negara ini menghadapkan para pendiri republik pada masa-masa sulit. Perdebatan tentang dasar negara Pancasila ternyata berkepanjangan hingga pertengahan tahun 1959. Sepanjang masa itu berarti telah terjadi konflik ideologis diantara para tokoh nasional bangsa kita dalam majelis konstituante, khususnya tentang USAha memasukkan kata syariat Islam dalam dasar negara seperti yang pernah dirumuskan dalam Piagam Jakarta. Maka landasan pemikiran dua pihak antara kelompok nasionalis "sekuler" dan Islam menarik untuk dikaji agar diperoleh pemahaman secara obyektif serta menjadi dasar berpijak bagi langkah ke depan dalam kehidupan ber-Islam dan bernegara di Indonesia

    Analisis Dana Pihak Ketiga, Kredit Bermasalah, Dan Laba (Studi Kasus PT Bank X Tbk)

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    Economic growth is a measure of the national development of the world where banks play an important role in the stability of economic growth. The main function of banks is as a collector and distributor of public funds that aims to increase the standard of living people. Successfully collected funds will be channeled back in the form of credit. Currently, the bank main income is derived from distribution of credit. However, credit is also one of the factors that caused banking collapse when credit problems happened. So, management of funds of third parties becomes an important thing that it is a credit risk from funds distribution. This study aims to (1) Analyze the composition of third party funds (savings, giro, deposito), and (2) Analyze the development of DPK, NPL, and profit. Research conducted in the PT Bank X Tbk. From the research, it was found that the composition of the funds of third parties on PT Bank X is dominated by deposito that has the largest contribution to the total of DPK (56,50%), while savings and giro has contributed almost the same, namely that each of 21,90% and 21,61%. There are fluctuations of DPK, NPL, and profit PT Bank X during the period 1999-2007. DPK PT Bank X was happening in the year 2007 amounting to Rp 247.355.023 (in million) with growth of 20,25% and the lowest occurred in 1999, amounting to Rp 148.005.573 (in millions). The lowest NPL happenned in the year 2004 amounting to 7,10% and the highest occurred in 1999, amounting to 70,84%. PT Bank X has a relatively large loss in 1999, namely Rp 68.155.446 (in millions) and then experienced a rapid development of year 2000 with profit growth of 103%. However, in 2005 had experienced a decline of 84% but it could have been increased again in the years 2006 to 2007 those were 130% and 124% respectively

    Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat di SMA N 1 Tengaran Kab Semarang “ Pembentukan Pendidik Sebaya tentang Generasi Berencana (GenRe) “

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    Youth is actually the hope of a nation, the country will become strong if it has a youth who are spiritually intelligent, intellectual and have strong emotional. Common problems usually relate to sexual problems, such as unwanted pregnancies (KTD), abortion, HIV/AIDS, and NAPZA abuse. Adolescents with these behavioral deviations need treatment and need to be informed about reproductive health for both young women and men, needing to organize a good future by abandoning unhelpful behaviors that could damage a teenager's future. The purpose of this activity is to provide socialization about GenRe in SMA N 1 Tengaran. The benefits are providing real experience of how to be a peer educator and providing additional knowledge of reproductive health and genres.Community Service will be conducted in 3 stages, namely the First Phase of the selection of an active group of students who are willing to be agents of change for GenRe / willing to be peer educators as well as mentors to be counselors and coaches to peer educators. The Second Stage socializes GenRe to peers independently. Phase Three evaluates the delivery of information from peer educators to peers, exploring the benefits of peer educators, limitations and new things that arise when becoming peer educators.With the training activities of peer educators students become known what Generation Planning is. Students can plan their lives for the better, avoiding deviations from risky behavior in adolescents. Youth become aware of the importance of family and the importance of planning for the future. AbstrakRemaja sejatinya adalah harapan dari sebuah bangsa, negara akan menjadi kuat apabila memiliki remaja yang cerdas spiritual, intelektual serta memiliki emosional yang kuat. Masalah yang sering muncul biasanya berkaitan dengan masalah seksualtas, seperti kehamilan tidak diinginkan (KTD), aborsi, HIV/AIDS, dan penyalahgunaan NAPZA. Remaja dengan penyimpangan perilaku tersebut membutuhkan penanganan serta perlu mendapatkan informasi mengenai kesehatan reproduksi baik untuk remaja putri dan putra, perlu menata masa depan yang baik dengan meninggalkan perilaku yang tidak bermanfaat yang dapat merusak masa depan remaja.Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk memberikan sosialisasi tentang GenRe di SMA N 1 Tengaran. Manfaatnya adalah memberikan pengalaman nyata bagaimana menjadi pendidik sebaya dan memberikan tambahan pengetahuan tentang kesehatan reproduksi dan genre.Pengabdian Masyarakat akan dilaksanakan dalam 3 tahap yaitu Tahap Pertama pemilihan kelompok siswa yang aktif yang bersedia menjadi agen perubahan untuk GenRe/ bersedia menjadi pendidik sebaya serta pendampingan untuk menjadi penyuluh dan pelatih terhadap pendidik sebaya. Tahap Kedua mensosialisasikan GenRe kepada teman sebaya secara mandiri. Tahap Ketiga melakukan evaluasi terhadap penyampaian informasi dari pendidik sebaya kepada teman sebayanya, menggali kebermanfaatan adanya pendidik sebaya, keterbatasan dan hal-hal baru yang muncul saat menjadi pendidik sebaya.Dengan adanya kegiatan pelatihan pendidik sebaya siswa menjadi tahu apa itu Generasi Berencana. Siswa bisa merencanakan kehidupannya menjadi lebih baik, menghindari penyimpangan-penyimpangan perilaku berisiko pada remaja. Remaja menjadi sadar pentingnya keluarga dan pentingnya merencanakan masa depan

    The Association between Body Mass Index, Religion Index, Media, and Body Image in Adolescents

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    BACKGROUND: Adolescents experience bio-psychosocial change in their developmental stages. These changes influence their perception about their body look. Some start to dislike their appearance. Someone‟s religiosity may protect them from the negative impact of the environment. Meanwhile, the mass media campaign about “slim ideal” for women and “shape and muscle” for men, is massive. This study aimed to examine the association between body mass index (BMI), religiosity, mass media, and body image in adolescents. SUBJECT AND METHODS: This was a cross sectional study. A sample of 116 students was selected at random for this study from one public and one private senior high school in Surakarta, Indonesia. The dependent variable was negative body image. The independent variables included body mass index (BMI), religiosity, and exposure to “slim ideal” mass media. Body image was measured using Body Shape Questionnaire. Religi-osity was measured using Duke University Religion Index Questionnaire. The data was analyzed using linear regression model. RESULTS: BMI (b=3.22; 95%CI 2.08 to 4.36; p<0.001) and exposure to “slim ideal” mass media (b=16.35; 95%CI 1.92 to 30.78; p=0.027) had positive association with negative body image, and it was statistically signi-ficant. Religiosity (b=-3.10; 95%CI -11.86 to 5.64; p=0.483) had negative association but statistically not significant with negative body image. CONCLUSION: BMI and exposure to “slim ideal” mass media have positive association with negative body image in adolescents. Keywords: body image, adolescents, Body Mass Index, religion index, media

    The Identification Of Ear Prints Using Complex Gabor Filters

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    Biometrics is a method used to recognize humans based on one or a few characteristicsphysical or behavioral traits that are unique such as DNA, face, fingerprints, gait, iris, palm, retina,signature and sound. Although the facts that ear prints are found in 15% of crime scenes, ear printsresearch has been very limited since the success of fingerprints modality. The advantage of the useof ear prints, as forensic evidence, are it relatively unchanged due to increased age and have fewervariations than faces with expression variation and orientation. In this research, complex Gaborfilters is used to extract the ear prints feature based on texture segmentation. Principal componentanalysis (PCA) is then used for dimensionality-reduction where variation in the dataset ispreserved. The classification is done in a lower dimension space defined by principal componentsbased on Euclidean distance. In experiments, it is used left and right ear prints of ten respondentsand in average, the successful recognition rate is 78%. Based on the experiment results, it isconcluded that ear prints is suitable as forensic evidence mainly when combined with otherbiometric modalities

    Caspase-3-dependent Cell Death in B lymphocyte Caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa Pyocyanin

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate cellular responses of B lymphocyte to the exposure of pyocyanin and the role of caspase-3 in its molecular mechanism. Methods: B lymphocytes (Raji cells) were cultured overnight prior to the experiments. Cell culture in five replications were then exposed to various concentrations of pyocyanin and incubated for 24 h in antibiotics-free medium. MTT assay was performed to analyze the cytotoxicity effect of pyocyanin. In separated experiments, the cells were cultured with pyocyanin and addressed for cell morphological analysis using phase contrast microscope. To study the mechanism involved in pyocyanin-induced cellular damage, immunocytochemical analysis was run for the identification of active caspase-3 protein expression. Results: The results of this study showed that cell viability was decreased in pcyocyanin-treated groups. Statistical analysis using ANOVA (p &lt; 0.05) demonstrated significant different between groups with significant value of 0.000. Pyocyanin induced cell death on B lymphocyte in dose-dependent manner. Nuclear fragmentation was observed in pyocyanin-induced cell death; furthermore, caspase-3 was expressed clearly in cell cytoplasm after 24 h incubation. Conclusion: It is concluded that pyocyanin is capable of inducing cell death on B lymphocyte. Caspase-3 may play important role in the molecular mechanism of pyocyanin-induced cell death.DOI: 10.14693/jdi.v22i2.40

    Motivasi Dan Peran Serta Masyarakat Dalam Pengendalian Populasi Aedes Spp Di Kota Sukabumi

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    DHF is a public health problem in Sukabumi city. The incidence rate of dengue infection in Sukabumi is 350 / 100,000 population and it's relatively high. Many efforts have been done by Sukabumi government through the district health office, cross-sector, and by the community but so far the results have not been satisfactory yet. The purpose of this study is to observe the differences in the presence of Aedes spp. at the time before and after a treatment carried out. The treatments were given in the form of triggering the community meetings to raise awareness and continued search for a solution for dengue vector control by the community themselves. Increased public participation begins by motivating communities through triggers in the treatment area (RW 11 Baros village and RW 3 Sriwedari village). Larvae survey conducted one month before treatment and two months after treatment. The success of the intervention, decreased the presence of larvae in the intervention area. During post-triggering assistance period, the commitments implementation in RW 03 Sriwedari run relatively well. While in RW 11 Village Baros was less, because not all people carry their mutual commitment. There is a significant difference (p-value &lt;0.05) between the larvae survey before and after the intervention. This shown a success in triggers to motivate the community in controlling Aedes spp. in the study area
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